Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar recently faced a troubling situation when he discovered a deepfake video circulating on social media, promoting a mobile application. Taking to the social media platform X , Tendulkar expressed his dismay at the rampant misuse of technology and urged people to report such instances. Deepfakes, which are highly convincing manipulated videos, have become a growing concern, with celebrities like Tendulkar falling victim to this form of misrepresentation.
In the misleading video, Sachin Tendulkar is seen endorsing an app called “Skyward Aviator Quest” and claiming that his daughter, Sara Tendulkar, is earning well by playing on the application. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the video is fake. Tendulkar emphasized the importance of reporting such fake content and called on social media platforms to be vigilant and responsive to complaints. Swift action, according to him, is crucial in preventing the spread of misinformation and deepfakes.
This is not happening for the first time
This incident highlights a broader issue as Tendulkar is not the first celebrity to be targeted by deepfake videos. Bollywood stars like Rashmika Mandanna, Alia Bhatt, and Priyanka Chopra have also faced similar challenges, raising their voices against the misuse of deepfake technology. Even political leaders have not been spared, with deepfake videos emerging during important events like elections. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior leaders have expressed concerns about how deepfake technology could disrupt law and order by presenting false information.
As technology continues to advance, the creation of deepfake videos has become more accessible, making it increasingly common to encounter such content on social media. Experts warn that while the current distinction between real and deepfake content may be discernible, the lines are rapidly blurring. This raises concerns about the potential consequences of widespread deepfake use.
Governments around the world are becoming more alert to the misuse of artificial intelligence, acknowledging the potential for devastating consequences. The evolving landscape of deepfake technology poses a significant challenge, requiring constant vigilance and regulatory measures to prevent its harmful impact on individuals and society.
Sachin Tendulkar’s experience with a deepfake video underscores the urgent need for collective action against the misuse of technology. The prevalence of such deceptive content on social media calls for increased awareness, reporting mechanisms, and stringent measures to curb the negative effects of deepfake technology on public figures and society as a whole.